Magic (Work)Shop
April 23-25, 2021
The 2021 edition of Magic (Work)Shop featured a series of fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and visual art workshops. Our board members offered crash courses on the different genres and conducted workshops on helping our community members hone their skills in the various genres.
Alt Text: Titled "Magic Workshop 2021" in black text with 2021 underlined in dark purple. Subtitled "June 4th-6th, 2021" in black text. Description "Genre-specific Zoom workshops from the Dream Glow team in fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, & visual art" in black text. Pink and purple gradient background is of outer space.
Activities Schedule
Pick Your Filter: A Digital Collage Workshop
June 4, 2021
Tell Me Your Story: A Creative Nonfiction Workshop on the Personal Essay
June 4, 2021
Words I could not bring myself to say: A Fiction Workshop on Dialogue
June 5, 2021
Poems for Small Things: Dream Glow’s Poetry Workshop
June 6, 2021